About Your Stay

One of the hardest aspects to cope with upon admission to a hospital is the unfamiliarity with the facility and its procedures. Our hope is that following overview will give a good idea of what to expect. If you have additional questions or concerns, please call 731-644-8536 or ask one of our knowledgeable staff members.


The hospital cannot be responsible for safeguarding your money, jewelry or other personal items while you are a patient at HCMC. We strongly recommend that you not bring such items to the hospital. The hospital will not replace such items as dentures, hearing aides or eyeglasses unless they have been lost while in the possession of one of our staff. If necessary, valuables may be placed in the hospital safe and you will be provided a receipt for their safe return.


When using the telephone in your room, there is no charge for local outgoing or incoming calls. To place a local call, first dial “20,” wait for the dial tone, then dial the number.

Callers may reach your room directly by dialing our main number at 731-642-1220. The caller will be directed to dial 1 if he or she knows the patient’s room number or dial 0 to be directed to the operator for assistance.

All long distance calls must either be “collect” or billed to your home telephone number. To place a long distance call, first dial “20,” then “0,” area code, plus the number and a long distance operator will assist you in placing your call.


To help make your hospital stay more comfortable, all rooms are furnished with color television sets with cable and bedside controls.


The computers located in patient rooms are not for use by the patient or his/ her family. These computers are dedicated to patient care and only authorized personnel should utilize them. Wireless internet is available in the facility. Please ask any hospital staff member for the wireless password.

Medical Choices and Advanced Directives

We at HCMC wish to provide an environment that promotes the fundamental and inherent right of every person to approach death naturally and with as much dignity as circumstances permit and to encourage patients to take responsibility for making decisions about their own care.

If you would like a detailed brochure about Living Wills and Durable Power of Attorney, or Organ/Tissue Donation, contact your nurse, Case Management/Social Services at 644-8280, or the Central Registration/Admissions Department at 644-8525.

Report a Patient Safety Concern or File a Complaint

To file a complaint or safety concern with Joint Commission, call 1-800-994-6610.  You can alo submit online at jointcomission.org or by mail at:

Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181


Henry County Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary members are dedicated to serving the patients. They are easily recognized by their pink or red smocks.

They will direct visitors to your room, deliver flowers and mail, and after you have returned home, they will forward your cards and letters to you. Should you request the services of a volunteer, your nurse can locate one for you.

Spiritual Care

Ministers of organized congregations are welcome at all times. In addition to the spiritual care given by the patient’s own minister, the Henry County Ministerial Alliance provides chaplain’s services in the hospital. Please contact Social Services or your nurse should you desire a chaplain’s visit. The Auxiliary also maintains a chapel on the first floor for use by patients and their families. Please ask any staff member for directions to the chapel. HCMC also has a volunteer chaplain, Craig Peevyhouse. Ask your nurse to contact him for your needs.

Smoke Free Policy

A large number of the patients in our hospital are being treated for diseases which are the result of the effects of prolonged smoking. As a healthcare institution, it is our responsibility to provide an environment which promotes healing and comfort.

Smoking will not be allowed on ANY HCMC property. This includes inside and outside of all buildings, parking lots, elevators, crosswalks and doorways. You may smoke in your vehicle, but please do not throw cigarettes down on the property.

Social Services

A medical Social Worker is available to you and your family at 731-644-8280. Social Workers have the experience and knowledge of community resources to assist you in getting the help you need after hospitalization. They provide a great deal of assistance with what is called Discharge Planning. If you need nursing home referrals, home health care, home medical equipment, transportation or referral to other community agencies, please discuss it with your physician, who will consult Social Services.

Gift Shop

The Pink Petal Gift Shop is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. unless otherwise noted.


Read what others are saying about HCMC here in our Testimonials section!