PARIS, TN –Henry County Medical Center would like to extend an invitation to our current and former patients as well as their family members and caregivers to join the Henry County Medical Center Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC).
Partnerships with patients and families are the foundation of excellence in Patient and Family Centered Care, and at Henry County Medical Center our patients are valued members of the medical care team. The mission of the Patient and Family Advisory Council is to be the voice for patients and their family members, advocating for communication and collaboration between patients, families, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to promote an exceptional patient experience and healthcare outcomes.
Our vision is that patients at Henry County Medical Center will have a successful, compassionate, and supportive health care experience. To achieve this, collaborative involvement of patients and families is essential and welcomed by HCMC’s leadership and members of its staff in order for us to transform our community’s health through nationally recognized, accessible and sustainable healthcare.
Henry County Medical Center is looking for several individuals from our primary service area of Henry, Benton, Carroll, Stewart, and Weakley counties to join us on this council. The PFAC will bring together patients, family members, staff, and leadership at HCMC. The rewards of participating are many – from developing new friendships to making an impact on patient care.
• To advise staff and serve as a resource
• To promote improved relationships
• To provide communication and input into policy and program development
• To channel information, needs, and concerns
• To provide opportunities for staff to listen to their customers
• Help establish patient- and family-centered care priorities.
• Help identify and implement strategies to support patients and families, improve their experiences with care, and strengthen communication and collaboration between health care providers and patients and families.
• Attend meetings regularly and read materials and agendas prior to meetings.
• Maintain confidentiality of any sensitive information shared during meetings.
• Speak up and share health care/caregiving experiences and perspectives with the practice in constructive ways.
• Balance individual perspectives with the larger goal of improving care for all patients by recognizing that the experiences of one may not be same as the experiences of many.
• Assist in planning, implementation, and evaluation of quality improvement projects.
• Contribute to staff and clinician understanding of patient- and family-centered care principles.
Functions of the Council
• Reviews patient satisfaction scores
• Provides feedback about hospital projects or initiatives from a consumer point of view
• Is apprised about new programming that will benefit patient care
• Reviews and updates patient education materials
• Provides feedback and input on marketing and communications initiatives
Your Commitment
• Two hour meeting 6 to 8 times a year
• Provide feedback on HCMC projects
• Work on program development and implementation
• Share experiences and offer opportunities for improvement
Deadline to apply is August 31, 2020 for a start date of late September or early October. To learn more about the Patient and Family Advisory Council or to apply, contact Tory Daughrity, Director of Marketing & Public Relations at tdaughrity@hcmc-tn.org or by calling 731-644-8266 or go to our website at https://www.hcmc-tn.org/about-hcmc/patient-family-advisory-council/. You can also watch Carly Wheat, one of our PFAC members, talk about being on the council and the impact it has made for her and others:
Located in Paris, TN, Henry County Medical Center is a progressive, integrated healthcare organization committed to serving the healthcare needs of Henry County and the adjoining region. Including a 142-bed hospital and other facilities, the medical center provides a variety of outpatient services, as well as inpatient care. Additionally, HCMC owns and operates 7 provider clinics in various specialties. Henry County Medical Center is a county-owned and operated nonprofit institution. For more information: www.hcmc-tn.org.