Paris, TN – National Healthcare Volunteer Week, April 23-29, 2017, is about inspiring, recognizing and encouraging people to seek out imaginative ways to engage in their communities. Henry County Medical Center is lucky to have one of the best Auxiliary’s in West Tennessee as well as our other volunteer services, and is always seeking out those who want to become engaged in the community.
Although volunteering is done without an expectation of compensation, our volunteers truly deserve appreciation for the work they do. Last year, the HCMC Auxiliary members gave over 8,500 hours of service. Today, we have more than 70 volunteers throughout the organization including the Auxiliary, Hospice Volunteers and Chaplains. Additionally, each summer, we have 20 to 30 junior volunteers who provide assistance to our patients.
“Volunteers strengthen our community and make HCMC a better place for our patients and our partners,” said Meagan Hart, Volunteer Coordinator. “We are blessed with an incredible group of men and women who give selflessly of their time and their talents.”
The HCMC Auxiliary meets every fourth Wednesday of the month and anyone is welcome to visit and see if the Auxiliary might be right for them. Members typically eat lunch in the hospital Café at 11 a.m., followed by their regular business meeting at 11:45 a.m. in HCMC Classrooms 2 & 3.
There are many opportunities within HCMC for volunteers to serve. HCMC has four information desks where volunteers are asked to escort patients and families to different departments in the hospital and to assist those needing wheelchairs. Another daily service provided by the Auxiliary is offering patients and visitors juice and coffee from our refreshment cart. Additionally, this duty includes delivering mail to patient rooms. Other departments where volunteers are needed include Imaging, the Cancer Care Center, HCMC Pharmacy, Public Relations, Medical Records and other opportunities as needs arise.
All volunteers go through an extensive training period and do not begin to work alone until he or she has been trained and is confident in their ability to complete the daily task. Volunteers must follow all HCMC policies as well as the policies outlined in the Auxiliary by-laws. Auxiliary members can work a combination of days and hours Monday-Friday; according to their by-laws, HCMC Auxiliary members are required to work 10 hours per month.
Money raised by the Auxiliary is given back to the community, through student scholarships and many important purchases of non-budgeted items for the medical center. HCMC Volunteers have two annual Jewelry sale fundraisers in the spring and in the fall. The remainder of their money comes from sales in the Pink Petal Gift Shop, which is manned solely by
Auxiliary Another volunteer opportunity at HCMC is for teens ages 14-18 with a ‘C’ or better GPA. Our Junior Volunteer Program will kick-off on May 8 at 5:30 with a meeting in the hospital’s education department, Classrooms 2 and 3. Teens must come to this meeting with a parent or guardian to gain information about the program and to receive an application.
“We are looking for teens who may be interested in working in the medical field in the future, but do have opportunities for those interested in business as well” said Hart. “We plan schedules in several different departments and teens are expected to stick to their commitment to work, much like a real summer job.”
Junior Volunteers are required to attend an orientation class on May 23 from 9 a.m. until Noon in HCMC Classrooms 2 and 3. At the orientation, volunteers will have a mandatory TB skin test, have their photo taken for their ID badge and learn important hospital policies and procedures. Volunteers will return to HCMC on May 25 to have their TB test checked, pick up their ID badge and receive their schedule and polo from the Volunteer Coordinator.
Teens may work any combination of hours during the work week from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., with the Junior Volunteer session wrapping up around the end of July.
If you are interested in volunteering at HCMC in any capacity, Meagan Hart, Volunteer Coordinator at 731-644-8267 or visit www.hcmc-tn.org.
Located in Paris, TN, Henry County Medical Center is a progressive, integrated healthcare organization committed to serving the healthcare needs of Henry County and the adjoining region. Including a 142-bed hospital and other facilities, the medical center provides a variety of outpatient services, as well as inpatient care. Henry County Medical Center is a county-owned and operated nonprofit institution.