Cutline: Pictured are members of the HCMC Long Range Planning Committee who meet last Thursday in Classrooms 2 & 3. Several other members called into the meeting to ensure social distancing practices.
Paris, TN – Henry County Medical Center’s Long Range Planning Committee met Thursday night to review the final scorecard for FY2020 and the new fiscal year’s strategic objectives.
The meeting began with the status of COVID-19 for the state of TN, West TN, and our service area. West TN seems to have a higher rate of positive cases than the rest of the state. Henry County has been four times as high as the threshold of 10 for the county, but currently at 2.5 times greater than the threshold. There continues to be increased activity in the county and the region. HCMC now has a dedicated COVID-19 unit for up to six patients, but continues to struggle with staffing across the facility.
TN Dept. of Health released a new requirement today related to COVID-19 stating that if you are in the household with a positive patient, you must be quarantined for 24 days. TN is in the top 10 states for positive cases. COVID-19 brings many challenges daily, and this is an example of changes faced in healthcare.
“I wanted to give you a day-in-the-life view of COVID-19 for us,” said Lisa Casteel, CEO. “Now, I want to share with you some exciting results for our FY2020 strategic objectives.”
Casteel provided the balanced scorecard metrics results and accomplishments for the FY2020. Under value, HCMC implemented ER charge capture software to improve reimbursement and developed the partnership with AMR for EMS service. In growth, HCMC opened the Wound Care Clinic and developed some other service lines like the Spine Clinic.
HCMC has developed programs such as Engaging Forums, rounding, and training to educate and communicate with staff concerning activities in healthcare. Quality has seen huge improvement with the establishment of Joint Commission readiness safety rounds. We have also achieved various accreditations and a three star or better recognition from CMS. HCMC has decreased readmission rates and has worked to improve efficiencies in the ER.
Concentration for FY2021 focuses on reimbursement strategies including filing for rural health clinic status for Eagle Creek Clinic and Transitions Health along with a look alike FQHC for the OB/GYN clinic. HCMC is participating in the 340 B drug purchasing program which allows for drugs to be purchased at a better governmental rate.
For the area of growth, HCMC received word that we have received a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Rural Residency Grant to develop a program at HCMC with Lincoln Memorial University which will assist us to train and retain physicians.
Also with growth, HCMC is evaluating a telehealth program. With grants from DRCHSD and the Rural Health Development Network Program grant, HCMC has the ability to purchase needed equipment, develop a provider network, and hire staff to build this program for our community and region. Also discussed, was the possibility of an ED redirect program that will include a rural health clinic inside the hospital.
For the area of people, we continue to cultivate and strengthen relationships with employees.
With the area of quality, our focus is to improve the discharge process for our patients and families. We will evaluate our star rating and look for ways to improve and identify areas of opportunity. Improving HCAHPS scores and communication is a focus for the community pillar.
“I believe this is going to be a phenomenal year, but a tough year,” said Casteel. “We have much to accomplish this year and it will be very exciting as well as challenging for us. We are currently searching for a CFO and have interviews in place for next week. We have a strong management staff to accomplish the goals set ahead for us.”
The next Long Range Planning Committee meeting will probably be held in a larger location to accommodate presentations from management related to our goals and objectives for FY2021.
To learn more about HCMC and how we are growing forward to meet the needs of our region, visit us online at www.hcmc-tn.org.
About Henry County Medical Center
Located in Paris, TN, Henry County Medical Center is a progressive, integrated healthcare organization committed to serving the healthcare needs of Henry County and the adjoining region. Including a 142-bed hospital and 7 other facilities, the medical center provides a variety of outpatient services, as well as inpatient care. Henry County Medical Center is a county-owned and operated nonprofit institution. For more information: www.hcmc-tn.org.