Healthy Focus eNewsletter – July

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Toughen Up: How to Strengthen Your Bones at Any Age

As a woman, your odds of suffering a bone injury are greater than a man’s at every point in your life. The good news is that bones can be strengthened and the risk of breakage alleviated, even after menopause. It’s a matter of good nutrition, exercise, giving up a few bad habits and sometimes just plain old common sense…Learn More

The Real Truth about Diet vs. Exercise

Q: Which is more important for losing weight—exercising more or eating less?

A: There is a research-based answer to this question, but let’s begin with the caveat that exercising is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. That being said, the experts tend to agree that dieting is most important: You’re simply going to have to eat less if you want to weigh less, with or without exercise. A study by Loyola University Chicago, in fact, found that by itself, neither physical activity nor being sedentary corresponded to weight gain…Learn More

Provider Spotlight: Telehealth Services at HCMC Transition Health

Tammie Holcomb, DNP with HCMC Transitions Health, discusses telehealth services available at the clinic, the newest telehealth provider in the GrowWell TN Telehealth Network. Transitions Health along with Eagle Creek Clinic, are offering teleheatlh services through Mend. Learn how easy telehealth can be and what type of visit would be best for telehealth.

Cod Tacos with Strawberry-Mango Salsa

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