Cutline: Pictured is HCMC’s Partner of the Month in the Stars of Excellence program, Shasta Arnold, HCMC Business Office.
Paris, TN – Henry County Medical Center is pleased to announce that the Partner of the Month for April 2018 in the Stars of Excellence Program is Shasta Arnold, HCMC Business Office. Eleven others were named a Star Partner in the program.
Arnold was nominated by her supervisor for always displaying the HCMC values – trust, respect, integrity, caring, professionalism, and patient centered. Arnold’s nomination read “Shasta has recently taken a special interest in improving teamwork within our department. We have a weekly huddle we call our ‘Morning View’ and Shasta has been preparing a short team-building exercise for us each week. Her enthusiasm and dedication to her coworkers is evident and I believe she has made a difference in our work unit. If you need an example of partner engagement, Shasta Arnold is it!”
HCMC also awards Star Partners each month. The Star Partners for April are Emily Berry, Sleep Lab; Kayla Watson, ER; Cindy Woodman and Ashley Horath, Business Office; Krystal Ybarra, Physicians’ Billing; Terry Ward, ER; Sam Seaton, CCU; Sasha Diggs, Plumley Rehab; Wes Laster, ER; Missy Hawks, Melissa Parrish, Matt Milby, Dylan Harper, and Earlina Matheny, Surgery; Kalynn Andress, Business Office; and Reba Wadham, Food and Nutrition. They were nominated for the following:
- Berry was nominated by a fellow partner for her professionalism and dedication. She communicates with other departments to make sure the hospital is paid for services rendered and is quick to respond to any questions and concerns that arise.
- Watson was nominated by her department director for sacrificing time away from her home life to make herself available to work both day and night shift. This shows her true dedication and loyalty to our patients and partners. Also, she has been cross training to CCU and continues to grow ER and CCU into one team.
- Woodman and Horath were nominated as a “power-duo” who both takes their jobs seriously with the common goal of ensuring HCMC maintains its value to the community. They frequently assume responsibilities or dig into issues that could be handled by someone else but go beyond the scope of their job duties to make HCMC the best it can be.
- Ybarra was nominated by a fellow partner for going out of her way to track down information even when the task doesn’t necessarily coincide with her work load. She takes each question seriously and does the best job of finding the best possible resolution to the problem.
- Ward was nominated by her department director for her willingness to work two weeks of night-shifts rather than her usual day-shifts to help out the ER team. Her willingness expresses her commitment to our hospital, her team and our patients.
- Seaton was nominated by his department director for is constant positive attitude in both the ER and CCU. He is known for being willing to work split shifts to help fill in holes in our schedule. He has so many great qualities and we as an organization are lucky to have an employee such as Seaton.
- Diggs was nominated by the family member of a patient for coming to the rescue when the family member woke up with the flu on the day of the patient’s follow up appointment after having a total hip done. Diggs paid the fee for transport services so the patient would not have to miss his appointment. She was concerned with the care and safety of the patient and went above and beyond.
- Laster was nominated by his department director for going above and beyond and working over his scheduled hours. He often comes in on his days off and is a true team player.
- Hawks, Parrish, Milby, Harper and Matheny were nominated by Dr. Mobley, III for their teamwork and efficiency. They worked together to accomplish a very busy day with rapid turnover times so patients were seen and treated well and quickly.
- Andress was nominated by a fellow partner for outstanding customer service. She will take the time to explain and dig for information and keeps a kind and calm demeanor, even if a patient is disgruntled. She has recently taken a new position and is focused on turning what used to be an aggressive approach into an understanding, yet forceful way.
- Wadham was nominated by the family of a patient for her compassion. She checked on the patient and their family daily, even when they were not on her unit. She even purchased a meal for the patient’s wife one day when she had forgotten her wallet and didn’t want to leave to go home.
To nominate a Henry County Medical Center partner for the Stars of Excellence program, utilize the Dear Lisa or WOW cards located in the Partners in Your Care bags given upon inpatient admission to HCMC. Additionally, the Star Partner forms are available on our website under quick tabs – Healthcare Hero.
About Henry County Medical Center
Located in Paris, TN, Henry County Medical Center is a progressive, integrated healthcare organization committed to serving the healthcare needs of Henry County and the adjoining region. Including a 142-bed hospital and other facilities, the medical center provides a variety of outpatient services, as well as inpatient care. Henry County Medical Center is a county-owned and operated nonprofit institution. For more information: www.hcmc-tn.org.