Total Joint Replacement Class

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This event is free.Description
Before joint replacement surgery at HCMC, join the Orthopedic Center for Wellness staff for an informative session on total joint replacement.
You & Your Family Will Learn:
- About Joint Replacement Surgery
- Preparing For Surgery
- About Your Hospital Stay
- Recovery Tips & Going Home
- Rehabilitation (Inpatient/Outpatient/Home Health)
Participants will receive a book and education from 3rd Tower Nurse Manager, Jackie Wyatt, RN as well as Debbie Jelks, PT, Director of Rehab Services. A video featuring the healthcare providers at HCMC will be provided. There will be a question and answer session. The class is free, and for more information call 731-644-3463 or 731-642-2411.
If you are scheduled for joint replacement surgery, this class is mandatory and you will be scheduled by your surgeon with Central Scheduling so that you may attend Pre Admission Testing the same day as class.
If you are not scheduled for surgery and would like to learn more about attending, call for more information.